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We Are...WARDOGS!!!!!

We Are...WARDOGS!!!!!

Want to Volunteer?

     Our volunteers are an essential part of making our program a success.  We highly encourage parents to get involved with the Wardogs association and participate in their child’s team. We believe by providing the best experience children can have through playing football and cheer can have a positive impact.

      We understand that volunteering is hard work, and there is no compensation for the amount of hours that are volunteered. However, our main goal is to provide the best experience for our participants, by providing a safe and positive driven environment.

     All volunteers are required to go through a background check, and will be going through an interviewing process. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us with the following information:
-What position/area are you wanting to volunteer for.
-A brief description of your background for example, who you are and what your experience is working with children. 
-Your contact Info
2022 Wardogs Volunteer Application Fill out this form and send an email to [email protected]
 with a photo of your ID and we will review and get back to you!

On behalf of the Wardogs association, we thank you for wanting to be a part of our Wardogs Family!

“The most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?”-Martin Luther King Jr.

Types of Positions Available

We are always looking for quality youth football coaches and assistant coaches who have a desire to give back to the game of football. As a football or cheer coach, you will have an impact on these younger athletes whether its on the field or outside of practice. For most of these players, you will be the first person to introduce them to organized sports! Therefore, Coaching Responsibilities consists of:

  • Providing a safe experience. Coaches are responsible for planning and teaching activities in such a way that the progression between activities minimizes risks. Teach basic skills.
  • In becoming a coach, you take on the role of an educator. You must teach all of your players the fundamental skills and strategies necessary for success in the sport of football or cheer.
  • Time dedication, character and integrity are a must. This ensures accountability with staff members but most importantly we must be able to full-fill our duty and responsibility to the kids

Team Parent
The team parent will have the responsibility of their team as a whole. One of the important tasks a team parent has, is ensuring that each player has turned in all required paperwork for certification. A team parent will help assist the coaches with making sure all players are hydrated and prepared for practices and game day. Another tasks consists of organization and snack schedules for game day. If a player gets injured, the team parent will have a first aid kit with them so they can use it if the occasion arises. Ultimately, the team parent will ensure every player is motivated and will be there as extra support when needed.

Chain Gang
Every home game, each tackle team needs at least 3 volunteers to help assist the referees and coaches with chains and markers. This will allow you to be up close to sideline and have a better view of the game.

Every game, teams (excluding Tiny-Mites) need 2 volunteers to help assist with athlete play counting. This is a necessity during ALL games! You will be able to close to the sideline and have a great view of the game.


Colorado Springs Wardogs Football and Cheer Association
Colorado Springs, Colorado  

Email: [email protected]

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